
城市 宽敞
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  • 学生

我住在住宅区的一栋 4 卧室半独立式房屋中,靠近美丽的公园(Ballycragh)和许多开放的绿地。这是一栋非常舒适的房子,配有现代化升级的中央供暖系统。前后外墙均按照非常高的标准进行隔热,有助于保留房屋内的热量。

宽敞的后卧室配有一张非常舒适的大号床,配有内置衣柜和两个带灯的床头储物柜。在大流行期间,这个房间已更新为新的木地板和新粉刷的墙壁。从这间通风的卧室可以欣赏到都柏林山脉的壮丽景色。双人卧室配有 WiFi 和一套备用床单,供长期入住的客人使用,长期入住的客人将负责保持自己的卧室干净整洁,如果入住时间超过 2 周,则需要更换床单。

前卧室是一间明亮干净的单人间。 为长期入住的客人提供 WiFi 和一套备用床单,长期入住的客人将负责保持自己的卧室干净整洁,如果入住时间超过 2 周,则更换床单。

我有一个可爱的温室,我全年都使用它,因为我喜欢露台后花园的景色,那里有一张非常漂亮的花岗岩桌子和花岗岩座椅,适合阳光明媚的日子在户外烧烤和就餐。这间客房配有智能电视/WiFi,您可以观看 Netflix 节目。这个房间最近还重新铺了地板,墙壁也粉刷过。非常欢迎所有客人使用这个房间放松身心并看电视。

楼下有一个带洗手盆的卫生间。再次强调,请勿剃须或将毛发留在水槽区域,因为它们会堵塞排水管。它有新的地板砖和最近粉刷过的墙壁。厨房由温室和餐厅隔开,配有所有现代化设施,如微波炉、洗碗机、洗衣机、大量炊具等。 客人可以使用这些设施,尤其是长期住宿的客人。您将拥有自己的橱柜来存放食物。您将共用冰箱/冰柜以及用于存放水果和蔬菜的金属篮托盘。

我整个房子都有无线网络,所以这对于使用 Skype/Zoom 与家人保持联系的学生来说非常有用。我的客厅位于房子的前面,配有可收看多个频道的大电视。这是我的私人空间,但欢迎客人过来打招呼并聊天。

我住的地方距离 15/65B 巴士站仅 5 分钟路程,可直接带您前往市区。 15 路公交车白天每 10 分钟一班,20 点后每 20-25 班一班。这是 24 小时巴士服务,因此如果您出门很晚,则无需乘坐出租车回家。

65B 班次不那么频繁,但往返城市的旅程较短。

您可以从都柏林大学学院(也称为 UCD)租用自行车...... https://ucdestates。ie/blog/2017/10/13/bleeperbikes-are-now-available-throughout-campus/ S 6 巴士是一辆新巴士,将带您前往大学。

骑车约 12 分钟或步行 30 分钟即可到达塔拉特理工学院(塔拉特大学)。您可以乘坐 S8 巴士,距离我家步行 4-5 分钟,乘坐巴士仅需很短的时间即可到达。

Lidl 距离我家仅几步之遥,您可以在那里购买杂货。

我住的地方靠近一些著名的传统酒吧 Johnny Foxes 和 The Merry PloughBoy,这些酒吧很受游客光顾。

我住在一条非常安静的道路上,周围绿树成荫,距离我家步行约 3-4 分钟有一家当地的 Scholars 酒吧。我住的地方离 M50 高速公路很近,因此如果任何房客想要前往爱尔兰的任何其他地方,他们可以轻松租车前往北部或南部。

我有 8 个孙子,5 个女孩和 3 个男孩,年龄从 15 岁到 3 岁不等。 我的两个孙子分别是 7 岁和 9 岁,是法国人,与我的大女儿和法国女婿住在法国比奥。我的两个孙子(分别为 15 岁和 11 岁)现在住在美国。两个孩子住在英国康沃尔郡,年龄分别为 3 岁和 5 岁,另外两个孙子住在都柏林,年龄分别为 5 岁和 8 岁。我经常出差照顾他们中的大多数人。









-- ---
每晚每间 26

卫生间 分享(与家人/其他客人)
1 单人 床位



  • 梳妆台/抽屉
  • 衣柜/衣橱
  • 床头柜/床头桌
  • 吹风机
 1 位客人
每晚每间 30

卫生间 分享(与家人/其他客人)
1 双人  床位


这是一间适合 1 人或一对夫妇入住的大型双人卧室。它位于楼上,俯瞰着后花园,从窗户可以欣赏到都柏林山脉的壮丽景色。它有一个宽敞的双人衣橱和两个单人床头储物柜。它有无线网络连接。

  • 梳妆台/抽屉
  • 衣柜/衣橱
  • 床头柜/床头桌
  • 镜子
  • 吹风机
 1 位客人
2 位客人


有 15 路、65B 路或 49 路公交车可供选择,它们都去市中心,从我家步行几分钟,具体取决于哪辆公交车适合你的大学等。最好的出行方式是乘坐公交车,最便宜的是乘坐 Leap卡片。 https://www.dublinpublictransport.ie/tickets。

我的房子位于城市的南侧,距离市中心约 8.5 公里,乘坐巴士约 30 分钟。从房子步行不到 3-4 分钟即可到达可爱的 Pub Scholars。几分钟的路程就有一个美丽的公园。

我距机场约 27 公里,车程约 22 分钟。出租车单程费用约为 55 欧元。

我靠近许多大型购物中心,如 Dundrum、Rathfarnham、Tallaght、Blanchardstown 和 Carrickmines。



  • 简单早餐
  • 使用厨房



如果客人抵达并决定在出发日期之前离开,将收取取消费用,并且我可以自行决定退还 50% 的费用。原因是房间被寄宿家庭锁定,可能需要一些时间才能释放房间以供其他客人预订。

支付总费用的 50%,除非您受到 Covid 的影响并且无法旅行,但您需要向我发送一份 Covid 阳性结果的副本。

另请注意,预订确认时支付的 15% 押金将直接支付给 Homestay.com,而不是支付给我。他们保留这笔钱,因为他们是代理代理人。

我没有收到这笔押金。 其余 85% 的费用必须在您抵达之前直接支付到我的银行账户。我的银行详细信息将根据要求提供给您。




除非经我同意,否则 21.30 小时后不得做饭。请务必保持厨房干净整洁,并在使用后清洗并擦干碗碟和锅具,尤其是如果您自己做饭的话。一旦您的餐具等干燥,请将它们收起来,而不是整天放在那里。确保每次使用后清洁水槽和炊具。

请尊重我的家,您可能与我和其他房客共用厨房。 如果您是长期房客,您将每周/每两周帮助进行一次房屋的一般清洁工作,也可能根据入住人数轮流进行。这包括用吸尘器吸尘公共区域和清洁淋浴间等。我们都帮助保持房子清洁是公平的。当家务活被分担时,每个人都会轻松得多。


每次使用后请用海绵和浴室内常备的消毒剂冲洗淋浴区,保持浴室干净整洁。 请记住,这是一间共用浴室,没有人喜欢肮脏的浴室!请每天清除废水排放口中的所有毛发。这件事留给我是不公平的。请勿将剃须的毛发倒入淋浴间或洗手池的下水道中。头发会堵塞下水道。如果您需要建议该怎么做,请告诉我。

21.30 小时之后或 09.00 之前禁止淋浴,除非经我同意。我知道如果您旅行的话会有例外情况,但请先与我联系。


22 点后请将噪音降至最低,因为这是住宅区,我的两边都有邻居,而且可能还有其他房客在屋内睡觉。

无烟房。 请不要在屋内吸烟,但您可以在室外吸烟,但请使用烟灰缸而不是花园等。









58 评价

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znzk1odu zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  7c5f3e9dc621d664a9d2d2b400398bf1c871afef&style=small

    年龄 18 - 24

    5 心
    三月 2024

    I was really happy with my stay at Carmel.
    Her house is very good and Carmel is really nice ;).

    I recommend without hesitation!

    The house is located in a very beautiful location yet close to the center of Dublin.

  • Graphic avatar placeholder

    年龄 35 - 44

    5 心
    三月 2024

    Carmel is indeed an excellent host. A very warm and truly hospitable person.
    Her property is very well maintained and very tidy. ...Everything a guest need is well provided for...
    Hope to stay again in the future..Thanks Carmel...All the best.

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znziymty zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  17084629eeb9c8f8861fe7212fb9bab7137fc0b9&style=small

    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    二月 2024

    I stayed at Carmel's house for three weeks and time sure flew damn fast. Staying with Carmel proved to be an amazing experience as she helped me with anything I needed: improving my english, discovering Dublin city, moving around, reviewing and checking some emails I had to send, and most importantly she was always there when needed with a smile on her face and ready to either help me or cheer me up when needed. I still remember the day I had to leave her after the three weeks spent together, the potatoes she helped me cooking, and everything else. Damn I was sad. Carmel has been there whenever I needed her. The house is also located in quite a nice spot, as although being pretty far from the centre and requiring a bit of walking whenever I needed to catch a bus or come back home after dropping off another one, it is still served by a bus line which operates 24h a day, allowing the guest(s) to feel free to explore the city without fearing missing a bus when it gets late.
    There's a ton more things I'd like to share about my homestay but I won't, as it would just bring me a lot more nostalgia which I'm not really in the mood to face. Anyway, either you need a temporary accommodation in order to find a long term one or you wish to stay with Carmel as much as possible, her homestay is highly recommended. The only thing I'd like to point out - no one's fault, let's be clear - is that in case you're a single guest you might find your room a bit small, but that's not really a problem, since you're most probably going to look forward to spending your time in Dublin, or seeking a long term accommodation, which is the main objective of anyone hoping to relocate to Ireland. Otherwise, if you're a couple, no problem. It seems both the double rooms are quite suitable.
    With these last words I wish Carmel and everyone booking her homestay a beautiful time in Dublin and amazing days only. Cheers! And thank you once again Carmel! It's been wonderful!

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  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8zmjm2mdi zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  578973cfea88214e221c435d071721534b900188&style=small

    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    十一月 2023

    I could not chosen a better place in Dublin. Carmel is so friendly, generous and helpful. I was treated so well. Carmel became my second mother in Ireland and since I arrived at house Carmel had done everything to me feel well at home. If you want a comfortable house, well-equipped and a nice neighborhood, Carmel’s house is the best choice you could do. I highly recommend Carmel’s house. Carmel, I will never forget our time talking about everything. You, your home and Ireland will be forever in my heart.

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  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8zmzi4ndq zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  a8c44d3e912d509ed12f04cc7f48e85bcf81db37&style=small

    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    八月 2023

    My wife and I stayed at Carmel's house for six months. For us, Carmel became our Irish mother and a great friend. Carmel is the sweetest, most generous, friendly, and helpful person in the world. Since we arrived, she has been caring daily to make us feel welcome and comfortable in her home. The house is very spacious and well-equipped. It met all our needs while we were there. The room is a perfect size and incredibly comfortable. Carmel also assisted us in getting accustomed to the city, guiding us on which bus to take and explaining the nearby shops and supermarkets. When my wife fell ill, she helped us find a doctor and provided us with all the support to help her recover. I wholeheartedly recommend staying at Carmel's house, as you will feel welcomed and at home there. Thank you, Carmel, for hosting us so well in your home. We love you!!!

    阅读更多 »


    Raphael and Larissa stayed with me from 24th Jan 2023 - 30th July 2023. They were excellent guests. They were incredibly friendly and blended in like my family. They were absolutely spotless and always kept the house meticulous and tidy. They always paid the rent on time without any reminders from me. I would highly recommend Raphael and Larissa to any Landlord. We continue to see each other and have remained good friends. Unfortunately, my room was not available for them to stay longer. They will always remain good friends/family.

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  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znduxmze zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  d6b3ceb4b7f5117c242759e2509c882ff8fcabc3&style=small

    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    四月 2023

    Carmel was so nice and is always available for questions. The entire house was clean and warm. I loved the hospitality and kindness. I highly recommend this host. Thank you so much!

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8zndi5mzq zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  3a903713e606ab04491fc31390cd52c40fbe8bc3&style=small

    年龄 18 - 24

    5 心
    二月 2023

    My stay with carmel went very well, the house is very clean and carmel is the perfect host. It leaves me with even better memories of Dublin!

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8zmjkymze zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  765993f9052d19066ed6976feae9316a9859ea97&style=small

    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    一月 2023

    If you want to feel as at home, Carmel's house is perfect place. House is warm and cosy, full of positive energy. Carmel is the most amazing person. She will help you no matter what. My partner and I were welcomed so well that we felt as part of family. We will never forget our time with Carmel. We loved our night chats with Carmel with cup of tea. House is located in nice area, near to the bus line 175 so you can take direct bus to the UCD. There are also direct lines to the Dundrum, Tallaght. Also, if you like hiking you can go to Dublin mountains as house is near, and you can see it from one of the rooms. The house is big and recently renovated. Lidl is away 10 minutes of walking, so you can easily shop what you need. You will not regret if you choose Carmel's place to stay, no matter is is couple of days or months. Coming from other country and leaving your family and friends is certainly one of the hardest thing to do. Therefore, to come in home as this means a world.

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  • Alm5wu21j srwhamjtiul2na8rqb0ez0mev3ocd mrlb=s96 c

    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    十二月 2022

    In Carmel's house I felt completely comfortable, welcome, safe, calm, and at home, from the first moment I entered. Carmel will offer you all her confidence, generosity, sweetness, and wisdom as your host. In addition to having an exceptional human being as an owner, the house itself has everything you need: it is clean, spacious, comfortable, very warm, well equipped, and with easy connection to the transport network. As if that wasn't enough, the price is very reasonable.

    I could not recommend the stay with Carmel more. I will be forever grateful to have met her and to have received her generosity and fantastic energy for two weeks. Do not hesitate to reserve this place if you see find it available!

    阅读更多 »

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znty4nda zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  e5f3650471dfbd623e055c88d6c6f4cf3ec9553b&style=small


    5 心
    十二月 2022

    My stay in Carmel’s house was nothing short of Perfect. Carmel is a perfect host. She is concerned and caring and took the extra mile to make me feel welcome, the other house guests were also very kind. The house was very clean, and all facilities were easily accessible. I can't miss mentioning the house's excellent insulation, which made it very warm and cozy. I felt right at home when I was there and if any guest gets a chance to stay in Carmel’s house, consider yourself fortunate to have the best stay of your life!
    The only downside of my stay was that it was short but I would run back if Carmel ever wanted to have me there. Carmel is a gem of a person; everyone should get the opportunity to meet her at least once in their lifetime!

    阅读更多 »




房东确认有空房后,您可以选择以下付款方式来支付 10% 的预订费(对于长期预订,最多可以支付 250 $£€):签证,万事达卡,美国式Express,Maestro,Laser,JCB和PayPal(在某些国家/地区不可用)。然后,您在抵达时或在房东的个人资料中注明并经您同意的房东上付款。如果房东要求预付款(如果其个人资料中未包含该费用),请谨慎选择。已告知我们的房东,如果他们希望请求预付款,则必须在其个人资料中明确注明。我们不建议您使用金钱克或西联汇款。


