
城市 舒适
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  • 家庭
  • 学生

房间内有一台带 Chrome-cast 的小型电视(由 google home 应用操作),入住期间您可以独享主浴室,浴室内提供干净的毛巾和洗漱用品

我们是 Francis 和 Andrew,我们喜欢在家里接待来访的客人。我们喜欢结识来自世界各地的新朋友并建立新的联系。我们希望客人在入住期间感到放松,并希望我们能营造一个温馨的环境。

我们都喜欢戏剧和现场音乐,也喜欢去新的地方旅行。Francis 是一位经验丰富的导游,对都柏林有着广泛的了解,尤其是我们居住的 Kilmainham 和 DUBLIN 8 地区。

Kilmainham Gaol 和 Royal Hospital kilmainham 距离这里只有几分钟的路程,健力士仓库和凤凰公园也是如此。

我们酒店交通便利,可轻松抵达所有剧院和音乐会场馆,步行即可抵达市中心 - 步行 2 分钟即可抵达巴士站,步行 7 分钟即可抵达 LUAS(有轨电车)。步行 20 分钟即可抵达市区,有 5 条公交线路可供选择。






-- ---
每晚每间 70

卫生间 私人(仅供房客)
1 双人  床位



  • 电视
  • 衣柜/衣橱
  • 床头柜/床头桌
  • 镜子
  • 冰箱
  • 吹风机
  • 收音机
 1 位客人
2 位客人



 我们可以轻松到达所有剧院和音乐会场地,步行即可到达市中心 - 步行2分钟到巴士站,7分钟到LUAS(电车)

  • 公园
  • 公交站
  • 火车站
  • 医院



  • 简单早餐
  • 使用厨房


午夜至早上 7 点期间噪音保持在最低水平。


请注意下面的付款安排,这为双方提供公平的保护,并且与 15% 的预订费分开。

抵达前通过 Paypal 支付总住宿费用的 25% - 入住前 7 天不予退款。




12 评价

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znzm5ndm zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  35382592970cdc4f614ee8d90e96e5a415ef3fe8&style=small

    年龄 65 - 74

    5 心
    六月 2024

    Andrew and Francis were the perfect hosts. They set me up from the start with a leap card to get around Dublin and provided advice when needed. It was a pleasure to stay in their beautiful home.

    的Andrew & Francis 寄宿家庭

    Tahnks Maggie
    It was great to meet you

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8znzmymzy zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  1b9f1d332333c5566032e6fcbe15cfca7ef8b209&style=small

    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    十一月 2023

    Highly recommendable. We stayed for three nights. The house is located conveniently, only a fifteen minute bus ride from the city centre. The room and the private bathroom were very tidy, clean and comfortable. Andrew and Francis took care of every little detail. They were friendly and helpful when recommending places to visit. A nice place to stay when visiting Dublin.

    的Andrew & Francis 寄宿家庭

    Hi Michael
    Thank you for the wonderful review, it was our pleasure to host you both in Dublin.
    All the best
    Andrew & Francis

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8yndkynjk zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  16fbe3cc8282ec8723decba967233294c24eca39&style=small

    年龄 45 - 54

    Automated Post
    四月 2020

    The host cancelled the booking 3 days before the arrival date.

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8yodi0nzu zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  db6a1725a8fd0c0116a81ea83aaac4dbbd81ce1c&style=small

    年龄 35 - 44

    Automated Post
    四月 2020

    The host cancelled the booking 15 days before the arrival date.

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8yodm5njq zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  7bed803b67a7b8ca6ac0c753587f03c2fc54ee4e&style=small

    年龄 55 - 64

    5 心
    一月 2020

    Andrew y Francis son mucho más que unos anfitriones. Establecimos contacto desde el primer momento de la reserva y, día a día, pude preparar con ellos mi estancia en Irlanda.
    Están pendientes de ti en todo momento y para cualquier cosa que necesites.
    Su casa es tu hogar en Dublín. Todo limpísimo, ordenadísimo y confortable. Se preocuparon de que no me faltara de nada para desayunar (teniendo en cuenta que yo soy vegana) Están siempre tranquilos y de buen humor.
    Fuí a Irlanda para hacer una semana de inmersión lingüística y mi sorpresa fue que, además de éso, me encontré con una "inmersión" en el corazón de una familia maravillosa.
    Os recomiendo de todo corazón hospedaros con ellos en Dublín.
    Voy a mandarles a mis hijas sin ninguna duda, porque sé que las cuidarán como si fueran suyas.

    Andrew and Francis are more than hosts. We were in touch since the beginning of my booking. Day after day I was preparing with them my stay in Ireland.
    They were so attentive to me every moment and whatever I needed here they were.
    Their house is your home in Dublin. Extremely clean, tidy and confortable.
    Andrew and Francis were caring every thing I needed for breakfast ( considering I'm vegan)
    They were always calm, warm and in a good mood.
    I went to Ireland searching a linguistic immersion but I founded more than a linguistic immersion... I experienced a marvelous family living immersion.
    I recommend you hundred percent to stay with them in Dublin.
    I'll send my daughters to their home without a doubt. I know they will take care of my daughters in any aspect.

    阅读更多 »

    的Andrew & Francis 寄宿家庭

    Hi Celia
    It was a pleasure hosting you in our home and I look forward to hosting you and your family in the future xxxx

  • Photo

    年龄 55 - 64

    5 心
    十二月 2019

    Fab stay, georgeous place with amazing hosts.

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8yode5njq zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  72cd85c3dfb16caf6175de2539adc1e8cb60f12b&style=small

    年龄 35 - 44

    5 心
    十一月 2019

    I had a fabulous stay with Andrew and Francis. Andrew was so considerate and did everything to ensure I have all I need. the house is very modern, warm and clean. they made me feel at home. I would recommend them anytime and would love to stay with them again when I am back in Dublin.

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8ynzgzmdu zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  3548b62f73bb77ca677d0eeca47ee66632893972&style=small

    年龄 25 - 34

    5 心
    十一月 2019

    Cette maison au retrait des grands axes, mais à côté de tout est un petit paradis Dublinois caché aux yeux de tous.
    L’accueil est un réel plaisir et la « co-location » avec nos hôtes est indubitablement exquise, ni trop, ni trop peu.
    Andrew et Francis sont à l’écoute, mais aussi adorable, chaleureux, gentil, accueillant, généreux, toujours souriant… Autant d'adjectifs que possible. Une demande de renseignement ? Et hop, une réponse concise.
    Le seul défaut de cette maison (home stay…), est que nous n’avons pas envie de la quitter ou alors d’y revenir très rapidement.
    Nous sommes restées 12 jours avec ma mère et le temps passe à une vitesse folle, nous n’avons pas le temps de nous ennuyer, car il y a pas mal de chose à faire dans les environs.

    Nous espérons pouvoir revenir très vite !

    à bientôt,

    Sarah & Elisabeth

    This House is in a quiet area off the main road but close to everything, is a paradise hidden from the eyes of all.
    the reception is a real pleasure and the « flatsharing » with our hosts was perfectly excellent.
    Andrew & Francis are listening, but also adorable , kind, welcoming, generous, lovely, always smiling … as much adjective as possible.
    A request for information ? Off with it ! A concise answer !
    The only flaw of this house, Is that we don't want to leave… or, come back very quickly !
    We stayed 12 days with my mother, and time goes by at a speed... we don't have time to get bored ! There are a lot of things to do in the surroundings

    We hope to come back soon !

    See you soon,

    Sarah & Elisabeth

    阅读更多 »

  • Picture?ss=bah7cekicgdpzay6bkvussinz2lkoi8vahn0l0f2yxrhci8ynzk4otq zxhwaxjlc19pbgy7afrjigxwdxjwb3nlbjsavekidgrlzmf1bhqgowbussipzxhwaxjlc19hday7afqw  d295899de1a0bdbd12a03526134cbe055c8d2cc3&style=small

    United States
    年龄 75+

    5 心
    十月 2019

    I had a lovely stay with Andrew and Francis. They were so very kind and welcoming to me that I felt at home right away. They gave good directions to anywhere I wanted to go, and recomendations for eating and sightseeing in Dublin. The bus stop is just a couple minutes away, the Luas tram a few minutes more. I'd love to return to Dublin and stay with them again. Recommended!

  • Graphic avatar placeholder

    年龄 65 - 74

    5 心
    九月 2019

    Brillant place to stay.Hosts were so pleasant and helpful. To me it was home from home.
    Thank you Andrew and Francis

    的Andrew & Francis 寄宿家庭

    Hi Jeaici
    Thank you for the great review, really good to meet you.
    Andrew & Francis




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